Hey Angelica

Thanks alot for useful information you shared. I wanna know is there any reliable source to know about doctoral programm in art conservation or specifically photos conservation?

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Hi Mahsa,

Thank you for your comment! I'm afraid doctoral programs are normally a bit more Follow your own adventure type things rather than set programs. I don't have a PhD myself, but if I understand correctly, normally what people do is find a specific advisor they would like to work under given the topic of interest, and then go get the PhD wherever that particular person happens to work. I would advise that you reach out to the professors at the conservation programs, as they will definitely all have PhDs and then ask them how to go about it. From the Excel I made, find a program that has photograph conservation as an option and perhaps start with asking them. You could also just try your local professional organisation as the bigger ones normally have some sort of committee for continued education. I don't know that I have ever seen a PhD in a particular conservation type, though - conservators with PhDs normally have more researchy scientist topics that they did with either a hard science or curatorial type advisor, etc. Good luck!

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